Bush Medicine

Match me if you can 

Scientific name- Acalypha godesffiana 

Medicinal uses-crush leaves and place on body parts affected by rheumatoid arthritis. Leaves warmed over fire and placed on back or chest can induce sweating and break fever 



Scientific name- Melicocco bijuga 

Medicinal uses- fruit is eaten for abnormal blood pressure, also taken to stimulate appetite.


Five Fingers 

Scientific name-Tabebuia bahamensis 

Medicinal uses- leaf decoction consumed for dental pains and backache. Sex stimulant and aphrodisiac also used as anesthetic and tranquilizer 


Lignum Vitae 

Scientific name-Guaiacum officinale 

Medicinal uses- flowers ingested as a laxative, effective antidote for accidental poisoning,White juice from bark used with water as a bath for body pains 



Scientific name- Momordica charantia 

Medicinal uses- effective treatment for diabetes ,consumed in large dosages to induce abortion ,consume 3 times a day for 9 successive mornings to relieve asthma and other respiratory illness when boiled with a dash of dark rum.  


Bay Geranium 

Scientific name- Ambrosia hispida 

Medicinal uses- boiled leaves builds appetite, combats worms in children, used for congested lungs , colds, indigestion, weakness and externally for skin irritations. 


Gumelemi (gumbo limbo)

Scientific name-Bursera simaruba 

Medicinal uses-bark and leaves worn in shoe for rheumatism and gout, crushed leaves applied to insect stings and poison ivy, bark consumed with milk and sugar for increased physical strength. 


Life leaf 

Scientific name- Bryophyllum pinnatum 

Medicinal uses- tea used for shortness of breath , respiratory infection and kidney problems. Also applied to skin for various infections.


Shepherds needle 

Scientific name- Biden’s pilosa 

Medicinal uses-leaves boiled into a tea to cure  a variety of intestinal parasites and infections especially intestinal worms. Juice rubbed on body for dermatitis, wounds and sores 


Prickly pear 

Scientific name-Opuntia stricta

Medicinal uses- crushed plant used as a shampoo to fight dandruff, chopped leaves boiled in water in combination with sisal plant and jaundice vine and consumed as tea to get rid of yellow or black jaundice.


Love vine

Scientific name-Cassytha filiformis 

Medicinal uses-when the whole plant is crushed and boiled in water it can be used as a sex stimulant and aphrodisiac. Also used as a strong pain reliever. 
